50 Active Streets
Type of project: Public square Language: English, Spanish Download PDF Developed by: Birmingham Wellbeing Service https://bit.ly/2so0R1F-
Country United Kingdom
Year 2013
Contact Info bit.ly
Synthesis of the case study
Active streets was inspired by Playing Out in Birmingham, and took what was a small-scale closure project in Kings Heath to a city-wide initiative. Playing Out itself was created following a road accident in Birmingham that motivated citizens to take ownership of what is, rightly, their own space in a safe way. Following this, the initiative was taken up by Birmingham's Wellbeing Service, where it became Active Streets. The initiative has now blossomed into a city-wide community cohesion project that is still expanding. Active Streets provide neighbours with the tools to close their street, encourage them to come out of their homes, engage with their neighbours and take the opportunity to actively participate in a variety of street activities, and support children with playing in a safe environment right on their doorstep.
Contact information
Owner: Birmingham Wellbeing Service
Email: activestreets@birmingham.gov.uk, Phone: 0121 464 0206